FloweringW Things

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wild Things

I understandably had a hard time going to sleep last night and was on my deck at 1:30am. Guess what I saw down in front? It had four legs, a nice thick fur coat, and probably weighed 400lbs. Yep, I saw my first bear, and it wasn't small. It left the area via the stairs to the house across the street and disappeared into the trees. Nice view, huh!

It looked something like this...but smaller, and I suspect it was a female.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Google Is Good Stuff.

I just have to say, Google is the coolest thing ever. Their email format is great, and I rarely get spam--Google Reader is awesome for catching new posts to my friends' blogs--and I've just discovered their homepage features. WAY cool all the things you can do there, even just silly stuff (my favorite is .

Seems not long ago (but it was, 1999 to be exact), I had to do research on internet marketing for a class in grad school and I discovered Google for the first time. Who knew then what it would be now, really it is a new verb in our vocabulary. Even my mother tells me now to go 'google' things--so much for reference books. I wasn't even sure if I should put it forward as a reliable search engine for my class. Crazy...and they keep coming up with more good stuff.