FloweringW Things

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Traveling Like A ROCK Star!

My guitar has been going with me on my new business travels. I figure that it will help keep me centered and give me something to do at night in hotel rooms.

Have been experimenting with hard case vs. soft case--first trip, I bought a hard case because supposedly the overhead bins were too small for the soft case and it would get put down below. Well those particular bins were big enough. So, this trip, I took the soft case. These bins really weren't big enough and ended up having to gate check my guitar in the soft case. Go figure.

But, the funniest thing is that it is the best conversation piece ever. This morning at the airport I had the funnest little chats with people over the guitar on my back--Is this your living? What kind of guitar is that? Wow, you haul that around with you just for fun? Are you hoping that someone will recognize you? plus a variety of people staring at me trying to figure if I'm 'someone.' If they only knew that the extent of my repertoire is currently Amazing Grace, You Are My Sunshine, and America The Beautiful. (But just you wait, soon I'll be able to play some real John Denver! ) :)

It is totally fun to travel like a rock star--at least when you're not one. Going to have to get some good stickers for my cases though, that will really get the conversations flowing. Am accepting them from all corners of the world...hint, hint.


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