FloweringW Things

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Google Is Good Stuff.

I just have to say, Google is the coolest thing ever. Their email format is great, and I rarely get spam--Google Reader is awesome for catching new posts to my friends' blogs--and I've just discovered their homepage features. WAY cool all the things you can do there, even just silly stuff (my favorite is .

Seems not long ago (but it was, 1999 to be exact), I had to do research on internet marketing for a class in grad school and I discovered Google for the first time. Who knew then what it would be now, really it is a new verb in our vocabulary. Even my mother tells me now to go 'google' things--so much for reference books. I wasn't even sure if I should put it forward as a reliable search engine for my class. Crazy...and they keep coming up with more good stuff.


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